A systematic review of child self-report scales that measure school transition experiences and emotional well-being

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentationResearch


Primary-secondary school transition is a critical period for children, which can have both positive and negative impacts on their well-being. However, we have a limited understanding of how primary-secondary school transition impacts children’s emotional well-being, and which aspects of emotional well-being are most affected, as to date, we do not have a sensitive and accessible standardized quantitative measure to specifically assess children’s emotional well-being during this time.
The aim of the systematic review was to examine child self-report scales used in international primary-secondary transitions literature to measure the impact of transitions on children’s emotional well-being. Specifically, this scoping review examined: what measures have been used (e.g. original, adapted or created measure), whether measured used have changed over time and their methodological rigour.
Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre’s (2010) approach was used to undertake the systematic review. In total, 4,844 records, which published transition research between date 2008 and 2021, were retrieved for screening from five databases and relevant journals. Following rigorous screening 60 papers met the inclusion criteria and were included.
Findings from the synthesis will be presented and will include: conceptualisations of transition and emotional well-being, types of scales, their strengths and limitations.
Period8 Dec 2021
Held atManchester Institute of Education