An Outline of a Sociological Perspective on Interpersonal Forgiveness

  • Owen Abbott (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talkResearch


In this talk, I firstly seek to address the significant lack of sociological literature on forgiveness. Secondly, I am to make the case for what a sociological perspective can bring to the study of forgiveness vis-à-vis other significant perspective on the topic, notably philosophy and psychotherapy. Specifically, I argue that a sociological perspective can contribute to viewing forgiveness as a phenomenon that is carried out in intersubjectively emergent and relationally
encumbered practice. Finally, I argue that taking such a view provides the basis for a programme of sociological study into how forgiveness is engaged with in interpersonal relationships. Indeed, although interpersonal relationships provide the arena within which forgiveness most commonly becomes significant, the role forgiveness plays in such relationships, as well as the ways in which forgiveness is negotiated, performed, and enacted between parties, is virtually entirely absent from the sociology of personal life literature.
Period18 Oct 2019
Event titleSoSS Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Forgiveness
Event typeConference
LocationManchester, United KingdomShow on map