Evaluation of the implementation of Dedicated Ward Pharmacy model at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust: a case study investigation of a new model for organising hospital care

Activity: Internal positions, career professional development, other peer review and otherOtherResearch


The aim of this evaluation was to investigate the impact of implementing the dedicated ward based pharmacy (DWP) service.
Objectives included:
•To identify differences in pharmacists’ scope of practice between wards where DWP has been implemented and those where it has not been implemented
•To explore the impact of DWP on the development of collaborative practice, including barriers and facilitators to, as well as unintended consequences of, implementation of DWP
•To determine the impact of DWP on routinely collected performance data

This project is funded by the Higher Education England. The team members include:
Dr Sarah Willis
Dr Li-Chia Chen
Dr Liz Seston
Dr Esnath Magola
Dr Ellen Schafheutle
Professor Chris Cutts
Period1 Jan 201731 Jan 2019