Exploring narratives of social exclusion, rejection, and victimisation in misogynist incel forums.

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentationResearch


Increasing academic, professional, and mainstream discussions have centred on the digital presence of misogynist incels – a subset of cisgender heterosexual men who connect online to discuss experiences
of involuntary celibacy – including their use of harmful and aggressive speech, adherence to a nihilistic worldview known as the black pill, and a sense of aggrieved entitlement to romantic and sexual gratification from women. However, few studies have explored users’ retellings of how social exclusion, victimisation, and discrimination influenced their adoption of male supremacist ideologies within online incel spaces. Using netnographic insights and a mediated narrative analysis of stories posted by active and former self-identified incels to three community forums, this study explores the role of perceived exclusion, victimisation, and negative experiences with others in adopting male supremacist beliefs and joining misogynist incel communities. Specifically, I highlight the emergence of four narratives that shape users’ decisions to join misogynist online spaces: personal characteristics that are perceived to limit opportunities to find social and romantic fulfilment; life experiences that reinforce feelings of rejection and loneliness; prior negative experiences with others, particularly women; and subverting isolation and finding belonging in communities of others with shared experiences. I posit that these experiences of exclusion and victimisation are further validated through the community’s nihilistic black pill ideology, which provides its adherents with an attractive, powerful explanatory tool to reframe prior negative experiences. This research offers key insights into how personal narratives of rejection and marginalisation may drive some users toward male supremacist ideologies, adding further depth to our understanding of how individuals come to join and participate in misogynist incel spaces.
Period18 Jul 2024
Event titleCREST's Behavioural and Social Sciences in Security (BASS) Conference 2024
Event typeConference
LocationSt. AndrewsShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational