Hit the North:

    Activity: Participating in or organising event(s)Organising a conference, workshop, exhibition, performance, inquiry, course etcResearch


    This follows the Art of Devolution conference, in June 2016, which explored devolution plans and Northern Powerhouse investments in Greater Manchester and elsewhere across the North. The conference featured a range of national and regional policy-makers, funders and practitioners, and three case studies involving academic research, who spoke of the policy challenges for arts and culture in relation to health, social care and wellbeing, social justice, community participation and cultural democracy, economic development and inclusive growth.
    This follow-up invite-only workshop explored these challenges from the perspective of interdisciplinary cultural policy studies and the contribution of the academy to these debates, and to establish a shared research agenda. It resulted in the framework and call for papers for a further residential seminar on Devolution and Regional Cultural Policy-making, in June 2017.
    It was also attended by members of the PGR DevoCulture network and comprised their first networking opportunity with senior representatives of cultural policy studies.
    Abigail Gilmore, Sarah Feinstein, Yatie Aziz, Pauline Hadaway (Univeristy of Manchester)
    David Bell, Kate Oakley, Anna Upchurch, David Lee (University of Leeds)
    Simeon Yates, University of Liverpool)
    Amanda Ravetz, Steven Gartside, Bob Dickinson, Frances Williams (MMU)
    David Stevenson (Queen Margaret's University, Edinburgh)

    Period13 Sept 2016
    Event typeWorkshop
    LocationManchester Show on map

    Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

    • Manchester Urban Institute