Activity: Participating in or organising event(s) › Organising a conference, workshop, exhibition, performance, inquiry, course etc › Research
The “Institute of Physics Printing and Graphics Science Group Student Conference: Printing for the Future 2022” is a yearly event dedicated to showcase recent advances in Printing and Graphic science and technology. The conference offers postgraduate students and young researchers opportunities to present their work to a wide academic and industrial audience, including their peers. The digital revolution initiated a whole range of new ways of reproducing and displaying images and information: physics is involved in forming and measuring the image and how it is perceived. Inkjet and other printing and deposition processes are being used in many novel applications such as visual displays, flexible electronics, smart packaging, lighting and photovoltaics based on organic and polymer electro-optic materials. Physicists are actively involved in developing the processes, designing and characterising the products, and developing the new materials. The UK has a world-leading position in these technologies, and the Printing and Graphics Science Group promotes the application of physics in these fields.