other esteem indicators 2015-17

Activity: Internal positions, career professional development, other peer review and otherOtherResearch


Editor of special issues of journals
2017 ‘Women in 1950s Britain’. Special Issue of Women’s History Review. Guest editor (with Spencer, S., Langhamer, C. L). SCImago 2015: In top 4 gender history journals. Reprinted as an edited collection, forthcoming Sept 2017.

2015 ‘Taking Stock’. Special Issue of Gender and Education journal 27(7). Guest editor (with Allan, A.) SCImago 2015: top gender studies journal in education field.

‘Building bridges and bridging time: photo elicitation as collaborative practice’. International Qualitative Methods, Glasgow, 3-5 May 2016.

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing