BBC FUTURE: The mystery of the human sacrifices buried in Europe's bogs

Press/Media: Expert comment

Period8 Sept 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleThe mystery of the human sacrifices buried in Europe's bogs
    Media name/outletBBC Future
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Description"We see the bogs as empty places," says Melanie Giles, senior lecturer in archaeology at the University of Manchester, and author of Bog Bodies: Face to face with the past. "That's not how Iron Age people saw them. They were taking fuel from the bog, cutting turf, taking iron ore. They were making tools and weapons like cauldrons and swords. They were taking sphagnum moss and weaving extraordinary things with it. They were hunting the bird life that lived there. The bogs were rich and productive places for Iron Age people."
    PersonsMelanie Giles


  • archaeology
  • bog bodies