BBC RADIO 4: Infinite Monkey Cage: The Age of Conspiracy?

Press/Media: Expert comment

Period10 Dec 2022

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleInfinite Monkey Cage: The Age of Conspiracy?
    Media name/outletBBC Radio 4
    Media typeRadio
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionBrian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian and author David Baddiel, psychologist Prof Karen Douglas, biologist Prof Matthew Cobb and philosopher Dr Timotheus Vermeulen to discover why conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists seem to be booming. From flat earthers to moon hoaxers and holocaust deniers, is there something about society today that encourages beliefs that seem to go against all evidence and reason? Or are conspiracies just part of the human condition, and each to their own? Why do some of these alarming theories seem to hold more truth for many than overwhelming data and evidence to the contrary, and how far should we go in accommodating views that seem to have no basis in reality?
    PersonsMatthew Cobb, Brian Cox


  • conspiracy theories