BBC RADIO 5 LIVE: Symptoms of COVID-19

  • Aisha Awan

Press/Media: Expert comment


Dr Aisha Awan, a medical lecturer at the University, was interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live [12:30] on the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Dr Awan explained that the initial symptoms of the virus are similar to those of the common flu, but for anybody who thinks they have the former, they should call NHS 111 and self-isolate.

Period18 Feb 2020

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleSymptoms of COVID-19
    Media name/outletBBC Radio 5 Live
    Media typeRadio
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionDr Aisha Awan, a medical lecturer at the University, was interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live [12:30] on the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Dr Awan explained that the initial symptoms of the virus are similar to those of the common flu, but for anybody who thinks they have the former, they should call NHS 111 and self-isolate.
    PersonsAisha Awan


  • coronavirus
  • COVID-19