Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title The Shanghai Expat Media name/outlet The Shanghai Expat Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 21/11/17 Description To prepare for this mind boggling event, scientists carried out a head transplant on a rat in May. Researchers used three rats for each operation: a smaller rat, to be the donor, and two larger rats, acting as the recipient and the blood supply.
The Professor also stated that, “It will be for a medical, neurological condition, not for life-extension.” When questioned on whether the eventual plans for live procedures would go worldwide after initial tests in China, he said, “Given the amount of mean criticism we received I don't think we should go international. For instance, if you still stick to the Frankenstein schtick, which doesn't make sense, then no. This is a medical condition for people who are suffering awfully so it isn't a joke.”
He’s correct in thinking that the response from the medical community has been a tad negative, reactions to the news of the procedure have been very critical. Many experts from around the world have branded the experiment as being scientific and medically negligible and have questioned Professor Canavero's ethics. Dr James Fildes, NHS Principal Research Scientist at the University Hospital of South Manchester's Transplant Centre, said, ‘Unless Canavero or Ren provide real evidence that they can perform a head, or more appropriately, a whole body transplant on a large animal that recovers sufficient function to improve quality of life, this entire project is morally wrong.”URL Persons James Fildes