Cloth Cultures with Amber Butchart Season 3 Episode 7

Press/Media: Blogs and social media


Amber Butchart talks to artist Hendrickje Schimmel (Tenant of Culture), and Cottonopolis Collective researchers Arianna Tozzi and Ali Browne. They discuss their work for the British Textile Biennial this year, which includes investigation of pollution and the environmental impact of the textile industries, the problems with unchecked consumer culture, the life cycles of garments, and the intersections of cotton, science and agriculture.
Hosted on Acast. 

Period31 Aug 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleCloth Cultures with Amber Butchart
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletSpotify
    Media typeWeb
    Duration/Length/Size54 mins 40 seconds
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionAmber Butchart talks to artist Hendrickje Schimmel (Tenant of Culture), and Cottonopolis Collective researchers Arianna Tozzi and Ali Browne. They discuss their work for the British Textile Biennial this year, which includes investigation of pollution and the environmental impact of the textile industries, the problems with unchecked consumer culture, the life cycles of garments, and the intersections of cotton, science and agriculture.
    Hosted on Acast.
    Producer/AuthorBritish Textile Biennial/Amber Butchart
    PersonsAlison Leigh Browne, Arianna Tozzi


TitleLitmus: Environmental legacies of cotton
LocationQueen Street Mill Textile Museum , Burnley , United Kingdom
Period29 Sept 2023 → 29 Oct 2023

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Creative Manchester
  • Sustainable Consumption Institute


  • colonial histories
  • environmental science
  • arts-science collaborations
  • interdisicplinarity
  • textile methods