'Een echt dier van wol en hout' (A proper animal out of wool and wood), by Theo Toebosch, NRC 21 September 2013

Press/Media: Other


My  workshop   ‘Mastership in taxidermy’ (2013, workshop organised as part of my BA / Leverhulme small grant, Kendal Museum, 22 August 2013). was the subject of a feature article in the Science section of Dutch national newspaper NRC. http://www.nrc.nl/handelsblad/van/2013/september/21/een-echt-dier-van-klei-en-houtwol-1295185

Journalist Theo Toebosch was despatched to Kendal from the Netherlands to cover the story.

Period21 Sept 2013

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleEen echt dier van wol en hout: feature coverage of my Kendal workshop by NRC journalist
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media typePrint
    PersonsPetra Tjitske Kalshoven

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Dalton Nuclear Institute