Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Einst gefeiert, heute kritisiert. Kim Förster zur Umweltgeschichte des Zements Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Baunetz Campus Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 2/02/24 Description The most commonly used building material in the world is also the most harmful to the environment. A dilemma that the construction industry has to face. Is a future for building without cement even conceivable? Architectural historian Kim Förster believes that we should first take a critical look at the history of materials and the decarbonization narrative of this controversial material. He has been researching the history of the cement industry at the University of Manchester since 2019. In his research and teaching, Förster reveals the complicity of architectural theory and history in the consolidation of an industry with devastating global consequences. Producer/Author Sorana Radulescu URL Persons Kim Förster