HUFFINGTON POST: Is Monkeypox Airborne? It's Not Quite As Simple As You Think

Press/Media: Expert comment

Period4 Aug 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleIs Monkeypox Airborne? It's Not Quite As Simple As You Think
    Media name/outletHuffington Post
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionProfessor Thomas House, an expert in infectious disease modelling at the University of Manchester, has been keeping a close eye on monkeypox infection rates in the UK.

    He tells HuffPost UK: “No two viruses have exactly the same transmission routes, so it’s quite reasonable to ask early on in a new outbreak what there is about these that we don’t understand.”

    That said, he also believes it is “far too early” to suggest monkeypox is airborne.

    “For Covid it became clear at a certain point that there were certain airborne protections that healthcare workers should arguably have had access to, so this kind of ‘campaign’ made sense,” he says. “But for monkeypox it is taking attention away from the fact that we need to be prioritising people most likely to be exposed due to sex for limited vaccination, treatment, case detection, etc.”
    PersonsThomas House


  • Monkeypox
  • infectious diseases