iNEWS: How personalised breast cancer screening could save lives and reduce unneeded mammograms

Press/Media: Research


“Personalised breast screening is the way ahead and has the potential to significantly reduce breast cancer deaths,” said researcher Tony Howells, professor of breast cancer at Manchester University.

Nearly 1,000 women a month die from breast cancer in the UK.

‘Substantial improvement’

A recent study found that the personalised breast cancer test “substantially improved the accuracy of risk prediction” in women.

“This will allow medics to provide more personalised prevention and early-detection…it has the potential to bring cost savings to the NHS,” said lead researcher Professor Gareth Evans, of the University of Manchester.

The findings are published in JAMA Oncology Journal.

Period2 Nov 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleHow personalised breast cancer screening could save lives and reduce unneeded mammograms
    Media name/outletiNews
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Description“Personalised breast screening is the way ahead and has the potential to significantly reduce breast cancer deaths,” said researcher Tony Howells, professor of breast cancer at Manchester University.

    Nearly 1,000 women a month die from breast cancer in the UK.
    ‘Substantial improvement’

    A recent study found that the personalised breast cancer test “substantially improved the accuracy of risk prediction” in women.

    “This will allow medics to provide more personalised prevention and early-detection…it has the potential to bring cost savings to the NHS,” said lead researcher Professor Gareth Evans, of the University of Manchester.

    The findings are published in JAMA Oncology Journal.
    PersonsTony Howell, Dafydd Evans

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Cancer


  • breast cancer
  • cancer screening