Is flooding in England getting worse?

Press/Media: Research

Period29 Apr 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleIs flooding in England getting worse?
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletFriends of the Earth
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    The weather is becoming windier, wetter and wilder around the world as climate scientists have predicted and England too is becoming more prone to extreme weather events. In the past decade we have seen more flooding, both in our cities and in the countryside, whether from intense rainfall, increased river flow or sea surges. Even with advance warning systems in place and improved flood defences, we need to become much more resilient to flooding and make use of a broader suite of flood management tools and the planning system to address risk.

    Research for Friends of the Earth by the University of Manchester has identified that over 700,000 people in the 10% most socially vulnerable neighbourhoods are at risk of river, coastal, or surface water flooding because of their location and a probable lack of flood defences, with people of colour disproportionately affected.

    Over 5.2 million homes and properties in England are currently at risk. Flooding often has a worse impact on lower-income households who cannot afford to make their homes flood-resistant or the insurance premiums to cover flooding. Flooding can cause mental anguish for anyone who has suffered irreparable loss that can last for years. Some people are more severely affected than others because of factors other than income, for example loss of community cohesion .
    Producer/AuthorMike Childs
    PersonsSarah Lindley