MAIL ONLINE: A blood test could diagnose the world's most common cause of blindness 'YEARS before symptoms develop'

Press/Media: Research


A blood test could help diagnose the world's most common cause of blindness – years before symptoms develop.

Age-related macular degeneration patients have much higher levels of the FHR-4 protein, scientists have discovered.

The breakthrough could lead to earlier detection when drugs are more likely to be effective and the development of medications that target it.

Ophthalmologists at the University of Manchester say the discovery could lead to a blood test to predict who will get the vision-robbing condition.

#Also covered in the Mirror, i, and Sun#

Period7 Feb 2020

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleA blood test could diagnose the world's most common cause of blindness 'YEARS before symptoms develop'
    Media name/outletMail Online
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionA blood test could help diagnose the world's most common cause of blindness – years before symptoms develop.

    Age-related macular degeneration patients have much higher levels of the FHR-4 protein, scientists have discovered.

    The breakthrough could lead to earlier detection when drugs are more likely to be effective and the development of medications that target it.

    Ophthalmologists at the University of Manchester say the discovery could lead to a blood test to predict who will get the vision-robbing condition.
    PersonsPaul Bishop


  • vision
  • Age-related macular degeneration