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Media coverage
Title Scientists say obese people should get in sync with their body clocks Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Manchester Evening News Media type Print Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 20/02/15 Description Obese people could combat conditions such as heart disease and diabetes by eating, sleeping and taking medication according to their body clock, say Manchester scientists.
The research could lead to new drugs and could open up a way to treat obesity without surgery. Patients could, by eating, sleeping and taking medication at times that fit with their body clock, control conditions without having to go under the knife.
Scientists at the University of Manchester, led by David Ray - professor of medicine and endocrinology - found that the body clock protein, REVERB, plays an important role in the safe accumulation of body fat.
Usually, as fat accumulates, there is inflammation in the body, which leads to conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. The research shows that the process is linked to the body clock.
Professor Ray said: “The real puzzle is identifying what the switch is that allows some fat to be safely stored, and causes some fat to become inflamed. The clock protein REVERB is that switch.”
The team found that REVERB affects obesity-related inflammation by regulating hormones. Experts say it could be possible to switch unhealthy fat into a healthier form and help people tackle diabetes and heart disease.
Researchers took fat and blood samples from morbidly obese patients, both before and after weight loss surgery. After surgery, their body fat was healthier, with less of the inflammation linked to diabetes and heart disease.
Professor Ray added: “Our analysis showed that in those who have undergone weight loss surgery, the same pathway from the body clock to inflamed fat is activated. This helps explain why surgery results in rapid health improvements.”Producer/Author Todd Fitzgerald, News Editor URL Persons Laura Hand