Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Einstein was right about how extremely massive objects fall in space Read more: Media name/outlet New Scientist Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 10/06/20 Description Even in some of the most extreme areas in the universe, Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity seems to hold up. A test of a key tenet of general relativity using three stars has shown that all objects fall with the same acceleration regardless of their composition.
This fits with a cornerstone of Einstein’s theory known as the strong equivalence principle. It states that any two objects in the same gravitational field fall with the same acceleration regardless of their mass or their make-up. This was famously shown by Galileo’s apocryphal test, in which he is said to have dropped two spheres of different masses off the Leaning Tower of Pisa and found that they hit the ground at the same time.
Read more: Persons Guillaume Voisin
- astronomy
- Einstein
- physics