Poorest children, richest teaching

Press/Media: Blogs and social media


It is hard to find anyone these days who disagrees with the idea that educational opportunities should be equalised or that the poorest kids should get the richest teaching.   After all, more equal outcomes demand not just that the quality of the educational experience is the same in all schools, but that it is better in places where learners are more likely to be disengaged or held back by material, social or emotional disadvantages.  So how can we make this happen?
Period15 Jul 2014

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitlePoorest children, richest teaching
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionIt is hard to find anyone these days who disagrees with the idea that educational opportunities should be equalised or that the poorest kids should get the richest teaching. After all, more equal outcomes demand not just that the quality of the educational experience is the same in all schools, but that it is better in places where learners are more likely to be disengaged or held back by material, social or emotional disadvantages. So how can we make this happen?
    PersonsRuth Lupton