PRESSE CITRON: Des scientifiques publient une étude pour créer la bière parfaite

Press/Media: Research


To study liquid foam at the molecular level, scientists modelled beer to create the perfect drink.

No, you're not dreaming, science is also in the next pint you'll hold in your hand.

At the University of Manchester in England, researchers studied beer foam in an attempt to design a product with the perfect head.

Period30 Dec 2019

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitlePRESSE CITRON: Des scientifiques publient une étude pour créer la bière parfaite
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletPresse Citron
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionTo study liquid foam at the molecular level, scientists modelled beer to create the perfect drink.

    No, you're not dreaming, science is also in the next pint you'll hold in your hand.

    At the University of Manchester in England, researchers studied beer foam in an attempt to design a product with the perfect head.
    PersonsRichard Campbell