THE CONVERSATION: How children are helping to make their families more eco-friendly – new research

Press/Media: Research

Period20 May 2022

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleHow children are helping to make their families more eco-friendly – new research
    Media name/outletThe Conversation
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe UN climate change panel IPCC has warned that 2030 is our deadline for halving global carbon emissions to prevent climate catastrophe. Such a stark threat has seen a surge in youth climate activism across the planet. Millions of young people have sprung into action, striking from school and taking to the streets or social media to galvanise action against climate injustice.

    It’s clear that supporting children to care for the natural world from a young age is vital if we are to build an eco-friendly future. And a huge part of children’s environmental learning, or “socialisation”, occurs through observation and role modelling. Learning to emulate family, teachers, peers, admired celebrities or public figures – and being exposed to nature – shapes how children grow up to treat the environment.
    PersonsHongwei He


  • sustainability