THE CONVERSATION: Shovel-ready but not shovel-worthy: how COVID-19 infrastructure projects missed the opportunity to transform the way we live

Press/Media: Expert comment

Period20 Jun 2022

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleShovel-ready but not shovel-worthy: how COVID-19 infrastructure projects missed the opportunity to transform the way we live
    Media name/outletThe Conversation
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionWhen it comes to infrastructure planning, there are plenty of promises, especially in times of crisis.

    COVID-19 brought with it severe economic impacts and many governments quickly announced major infrastructure stimulus packages alongside legal reforms to fast track delivery.

    The promise was that these emergency infrastructure investments would “build back better”, responding to the immediate economic challenges of COVID-19, as well as spur societal transformation.

    The possibilities sparked plenty of hope. There was no shortage of public opinion pieces calling for things like a “green recovery” or a reduction in the geographical inequalities in jobs and well-being the pandemic helped reveal.
    PersonsGraham Haughton