Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Clever clogs: Top tips to boost your intelligence ratings Media name/outlet Express Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 29/08/17 Description Professor Tony Payton, a genetics specialist at Manchester University, warns that pollution has consistently been shown to be a risk factor for dementia and could possibly be damaging to overall brain function.
A Canadian study published in The Lancet this year showed that people living 50 metres or less from a major road were seven per cent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who lived 300 metres or more away from one.
Professor Payton says the best thing people can do is to stop using old diesel cars. “Avoiding major roads during rush hour would be a good idea as long as it didn’t increase your journey time, which would give the same pollution exposure,” he adds.
“It’s not always possible to move house but there’s huge benefits to the brain and the entire body from living in the countryside for all age groups. A few studies have shown that moving kids from inner city schools to rural schools increased their memory abilities significantly.”URL Persons Antony Payton
- air pollution
- dementia