THE GUARDIAN: ‘I thought I’d put in a protest vote’: the people who regret voting leave

  • Jane Green

Press/Media: Expert comment


“When you have a strong view about something, you’re likely to reject information that’s contrary to your view, reject the source of the information and rationalise the information,” says Jane Green, professor of political science at the University of Manchester and co-director of the British Election Study. “We select information that’s consistent with our views, because it’s more comfortable and reaffirming.” In fact, it’s physically pleasurable. Some recent studies of confirmation bias indicate that consuming information that supports our beliefs actually produces a dopamine rush.

Period25 Nov 2017

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleI thought I’d put in a protest vote’: the people who regret voting leave
    Media name/outletThe Guardian
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Description“When you have a strong view about something, you’re likely to reject information that’s contrary to your view, reject the source of the information and rationalise the information,” says Jane Green, professor of political science at the University of Manchester and co-director of the British Election Study. “We select information that’s consistent with our views, because it’s more comfortable and reaffirming.” In fact, it’s physically pleasurable. Some recent studies of confirmation bias indicate that consuming information that supports our beliefs actually produces a dopamine rush.
    PersonsJane Green


  • voter behaviour
  • Brexit