THE GUARDIAN: Newly discharged mental health patients at much higher risk of death

Press/Media: Research


People with mental health problems are at a hugely increased risk of dying from unnatural causes, including suicide, soon after they have been discharged from hospital, new research reveals.

Such patients are 38 times more likely to die of fatal poisoning and 90 times more likely to perish from a drugs overdose than the general population, according to a new study.

Period2 Oct 2018

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleNewly discharged mental health patients at much higher risk of death
    Media name/outletThe Guardian
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionPeople with mental health problems are at a hugely increased risk of dying from unnatural causes, including suicide, soon after they have been discharged from hospital, new research reveals.

    Such patients are 38 times more likely to die of fatal poisoning and 90 times more likely to perish from a drugs overdose than the general population, according to a new study.
    PersonsRoger Webb


  • mental health
  • health services
  • drugs