Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Beyond Piketty: on income inequality Media name/outlet The Hindu Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 18/11/17 Description With the Gujarat State elections barely a few weeks away, the debate on the Indian economy has become increasingly polarised. While the official view of demonetisation unleashed in November 2016 elevates it to a moral and ethical imperative, the chaos caused by the goods and services tax (GST) launched on July 1, 2017, is dismissed as a short-run transitional hiccup. Both policies, it is asserted, are guaranteed to yield long-term benefits, unmindful of large-scale hardships, loss of livelihoods, closure of small and medium enterprises and slowdown of agriculture. Critics of course reject these claims lock, stock and barrel. Lack of robust evidence is as much a problem for the official proponents of these policies as it is for the critics. Hence the debate continues unabated with frequent hostile overtones. URL Persons Raghav Gaiha
Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms
- Global inequalities
- Global Development Institute
- India
- Indian politics
- economics