Media coverage
Media coverage
Title THE SUN: CHEERS! Scientists can create ‘perfect head of beer foam’ that lasts to bottom of glass thanks to boozy breakthrough Media name/outlet The Sun Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 2/01/20 Description A longstanding puzzle over how to make the perfect head of beer may have been solved by British scientists.
Experts have concocted a method of mapping foam – and can now discover which ways of creating foam are the most stable.
It will allow for the development of loads of foam-tastic products.Producer/Author Sean Keach URL Persons Richard Campbell Title Scientists discover how to keep the head on your beer for the whole of your pint Media name/outlet The Sun Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 21/12/19 Description Experts used a nuclear reactor to fire neutrons at fluids to assess their foaming qualities.
It had previously been possible only to predict such a reaction in samples that had a single ingredient.
But the latest method allows experts to tell which recipes will produce the most stable foams.Producer/Author Shaun Wooller URL Persons Richard Campbell
- foam
- stability
- beer
- bubbles