XINHUA: Tiny Welsh town that became the inspiration for NHS revealed in new archive

Press/Media: Research


LONDON, June 5 (Xinhua) -- A small Welsh coal mining and steelmaking town that became the birthplace of Britain's famous National Health Service (NHS) was celebrated Tuesday.

A little-known medical aid society in South Wales inspired national politician Aneurin Bevan to create the NHS, according to a unique audio archive launched on Tuesday, one month before the NHS marks its 70th anniversary.

University of Manchester historians have for the first time documented the experiences of NHS patients and staff over its history with recordings, photos and other memorabilia.

Period6 Jun 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleTiny Welsh town that became the inspiration for NHS revealed in new archive
    Media name/outletXinhua
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionLONDON, June 5 (Xinhua) -- A small Welsh coal mining and steelmaking town that became the birthplace of Britain's famous National Health Service (NHS) was celebrated Tuesday.

    A little-known medical aid society in South Wales inspired national politician Aneurin Bevan to create the NHS, according to a unique audio archive launched on Tuesday, one month before the NHS marks its 70th anniversary.

    University of Manchester historians have for the first time documented the experiences of NHS patients and staff over its history with recordings, photos and other memorabilia.
    PersonsStephanie Snow


  • NHS
  • history of medicine