Cedrus atlantica pollen FTIR spectra



This dataset contains FTIR spectra of modern Cedrus atlantica pollen samples collected in Morocco, and from Europe and the USA, analysed on a PerkinElmer Spotlight 400 imaging system using a Universal Attenuated Total Reflection (UATR) accessory in the Earth Science Laboratories at The University of Manchester.

Please see the "Sample details" file for full information about each sample:

This spreadsheet contains details about every pollen sample used in this study. This includes the tree’s location (longitude, latitude, and altitude), the aspect of the tree, i.e. the direction of the slope in degrees, the slope angle, the tree’s diameter at breast height in cm (DBH), the height of the tree in metres, the height at which the strobili (pollen cone) was picked from the tree, and the number of other trees within a 5 metre radius of the sampled tree.

The file is organised with Moroccan samples in one table, followed by non-Morocco samples. The available information on samples collected from the Rif Mountains, and those from outside Morocco differs from Moroccan samples. Information on non-Morocco samples includes provenance (where known) and the ID code used by the botanical garden.

FTIR spectra:

There are three files which contain the complete FTIR spectra for every pollen sample (including replicates) used in this study. The original uncorrected FTIR spectra, baseline-corrected spectra, and z-score standardised spectra are available. These are detailed in the methods section of the associated paper (https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683618777072). Numbers across the top (columns) represent the wavenumber, and the observations are relative absorbance values.

Nitrogen data:

Most of the pollen samples were also analysed on a CHNS analyser (Symes 2017, unpublished MSc dissertation). Untreated pollen was analysed with 3 replicates. The N values available in the file are an average of the replicates and are shown as a percentage.
Date made available11 Jun 2018
PublisherMendeley Data

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