Data for: 40Ar-39Ar step heating ages of North American tektites and of two impact melt rock samples from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure

  • Fernandes V. Assis Fernandes (Museum für Naturkunde Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Universidade de Lisboa, Ruprecht-Karls Universitat Heidelberg - University of Heidelberg) (Creator)



Table A1 Summary of literature age data for NA Tektites and the Chesapeake Bay impact structure obtained using different analytical techniques: biostratigraphy, fission-track, 40Ar/39Ar total fusion and step heating, K/Ar and U/Pb. Where possible, sample ages have been corrected using the Steiger and Jäger (1977) decay constants and consistent monitor ages (Schwarz and Trieloff, 2007).
Table A2 Chemical composition for a profile along a bediasite obtained by electron microprobe (in wt%).
Table A3 Chemical composition for a profile along a georgiaite obtained by electron microprobe (in wt%).
Appendix tables A4-A20 display measured argon isotopes corrected for mass discrimination, sensitivity, system blanks, decay and relative neutron doses. All isotopes are also corrected for interfering isotopes produced on K and Ca during irradiation.
Date made available24 Mar 2020
PublisherMendeley Data

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