A new “early time points” (ET) method, ACcomb, for absolute CBF estimation using low dose high temporal resolution (LDHT) whole brain 3D coverage T1W DCE MRI has been developed. Absolute CBF was derived based on average contrast agent concentration (AC) within an Early Time Points (ET) window. Previous authors have used singular value decomposition (SVD) to analyses T1W DCE data. In this study, we compared the CBF derived from the ACcomb with CBF estimates derived using SVD deconvolution of LDHT T1W DCE MRI data, and from T2*W DSC MRI data with preload of contrast agent, using a SVD method.
MRI examination was carried out on a patient with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) scanned at a 3T scanner. Low GBCA dose, high temporal resolution (LDHT) DCE-MRI data were collected as the first part of the dual temporal resolution technique, an improved coverage and spatial resolution—using dual injection dynamic contrast-enhanced (ICR-DICE), as described previously.
Experiment data included in the folders of:
1) GM_WM_Tumor_segmentation:
noTumor_seg1GM_17313.hdr/img: Analyze format data set of 3D probability map of grey matter;
noTumor_seg1WM_17313.hdr/img: Analyze format data set of 3D probability map of white matter;
rrtumor_mask17313.hdr/img: Analyze format data set of 3D mask image of a glioma.
aif_gd_avg_20voxels17313.txt: a text file containing: 1) number of time points; 2) time lists; 3) contrast agent concentration list corresponding to the time list a graph showing the plasma concentration-time curve of the first pass of the contrast agent bolus fitted with the gamma variate function a graph showing the measured plasma concentration vs time curve
3) CBF&Ktrans&vp_maps_from_T1W_DCE_MRI:
abscbf_ACcomb.hdr/.img: a 3D CBF map derived from LDHT T1W DCE MRI using the new ACcomb method.
flow_svd_3d.hdr/.img: a 3D CBF map derived from LDHT T1W DCE MRI using the SVD method.
ktran_min_sfe50.hdr/.imag and vp.hdr/.img: 3D CBF maps from the tracer kinetic analysis on the T1W-DCE MRI data using the extended Tofts model (ETM).
4) CBF_map_from_T2*W_DSC_MRI:
rrCBF_MIstar_strip.hdr/.img: 3D CBF maps calculated from the T2*W DSC MRI data using the SVD method.
5) Descriptives_for_T1_CBF_ET_study:
check_coregi_use_overlay.ppt: Figures to illustrate that all 3D/4D images, 3D tissues segmentation maps/masks and maps of perfusion (and permeability) are aligned with the same matrix size for quantification.
Et_svd_t2star_cbf.ppt: Pixel-wise scatter plots for the demonstration of the relationship of CBF-ET-T1W, CBF-SVD-T1W and CBF-SVD-T2*.
3D_FFE_seq_diagram.PNG: Diagram of “3D FFE pulse sequence” used for acquiring the low dose high temporal resolution DCE and T1n MRI.
6) Pulse_sequence_for_LDHT_DCE_MRI:
3D_FFE_seq_diagram.png: a graph showing the diagram of 3D fast field echo (FFE) pulse sequence used for the LDHT-DCE-MRI
MRI examination was carried out on a patient with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) scanned at a 3T scanner. Low GBCA dose, high temporal resolution (LDHT) DCE-MRI data were collected as the first part of the dual temporal resolution technique, an improved coverage and spatial resolution—using dual injection dynamic contrast-enhanced (ICR-DICE), as described previously.
Experiment data included in the folders of:
1) GM_WM_Tumor_segmentation:
noTumor_seg1GM_17313.hdr/img: Analyze format data set of 3D probability map of grey matter;
noTumor_seg1WM_17313.hdr/img: Analyze format data set of 3D probability map of white matter;
rrtumor_mask17313.hdr/img: Analyze format data set of 3D mask image of a glioma.
aif_gd_avg_20voxels17313.txt: a text file containing: 1) number of time points; 2) time lists; 3) contrast agent concentration list corresponding to the time list a graph showing the plasma concentration-time curve of the first pass of the contrast agent bolus fitted with the gamma variate function a graph showing the measured plasma concentration vs time curve
3) CBF&Ktrans&vp_maps_from_T1W_DCE_MRI:
abscbf_ACcomb.hdr/.img: a 3D CBF map derived from LDHT T1W DCE MRI using the new ACcomb method.
flow_svd_3d.hdr/.img: a 3D CBF map derived from LDHT T1W DCE MRI using the SVD method.
ktran_min_sfe50.hdr/.imag and vp.hdr/.img: 3D CBF maps from the tracer kinetic analysis on the T1W-DCE MRI data using the extended Tofts model (ETM).
4) CBF_map_from_T2*W_DSC_MRI:
rrCBF_MIstar_strip.hdr/.img: 3D CBF maps calculated from the T2*W DSC MRI data using the SVD method.
5) Descriptives_for_T1_CBF_ET_study:
check_coregi_use_overlay.ppt: Figures to illustrate that all 3D/4D images, 3D tissues segmentation maps/masks and maps of perfusion (and permeability) are aligned with the same matrix size for quantification.
Et_svd_t2star_cbf.ppt: Pixel-wise scatter plots for the demonstration of the relationship of CBF-ET-T1W, CBF-SVD-T1W and CBF-SVD-T2*.
3D_FFE_seq_diagram.PNG: Diagram of “3D FFE pulse sequence” used for acquiring the low dose high temporal resolution DCE and T1n MRI.
6) Pulse_sequence_for_LDHT_DCE_MRI:
3D_FFE_seq_diagram.png: a graph showing the diagram of 3D fast field echo (FFE) pulse sequence used for the LDHT-DCE-MRI
Date made available | 17 Jan 2018 |
Publisher | Mendeley Data |