Dataset: D. Zhao et al., Elucidating the mechanism of self-healing in hydrogel-lead halide perovskite composites for use in photovoltaic devices

  • Ben Spencer (Creator)
  • Wendy Flavell (Creator)
  • tom flavell (Creator)
  • Faisal Fahad Aljuaid (Creator)
  • Alex S. Walton (Creator)
  • Andrew Thomas (Creator)
  • Stephen P. Edmondson (Creator)
  • Alexei Preobrajenski (Creator)
  • Alexander Generalov (Creator)



Data associated with paper "Elucidating the mechanism of self-healing in hydrogel-lead halide perovskite composites for use in photovoltaic devices" by D. Zhao et al. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy combined with other characterisation techniques are used to understand photovoltaic devices fabricated using hydrogels exhibiting self-healing properties. XPS is a probe of chemical state and instruments using different photon energies were used to probe this with depth into the surface of the photovoltaic films. These data are shared in order to aid the scientific community particularly focussed in this area of research.
Date made available31 May 2023
PublisherUniversity of Manchester Figshare


  • perovskite solar cell
  • XPS
  • surface passivation

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