How are websites used during development and what are the implications for the coding process? : Interview Transcripts.



Semi-structured one-to-one interviews were conducted with both undergraduate students and professional programmers. Students were recruited from the University of Manchester; professionals were required to be working in the UK. These RTF files are the original anonymised interview transcriptions. Each individual file contains the transcript for one interview, whereby the participant ID (range 1-18) is given in the filename (i.e. a file P1.rtf contains the interview transcript for participant 1). Participants 1-7 were first-year undergraduate computer science students. Participants 8-13 were second-year undergraduate computer science students. Participants 14-18 were currently employed as professional programmers and had at least one year's prior professional experience.
Date made available28 Jul 2023
PublisherUniversity of Manchester Figshare


  • stack overflow
  • online code snippets
  • code clones
  • problematic code
  • human memory
  • computer science education
  • professional practice in software engineering
  • program comprehension
  • interview transcripts

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