LFG/XLE Grammar for Chinese Aspect under Control and Inner Topicalisation



It is a small LFG computational grammar implemented via the Xerox Linguistic Environment (XLE) to model two linguistic phenomena in Mandarin Chinese, namely Aspect under Control and Inner Topicalisation.

Link to the grammar: https://github.com/lawrencela/LFG-XLE-Grammars-for-Chinese

The grammar instantiates the theoretical analysis provided in the following presentation:

Lam, Chit Fung. 2022. ‘Control Complements in Parallel Constraint-based Architecture: Re-analysis of Two “Restructuring” Phenomena in Mandarin Chinese’. Conference paper presented at the 27th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference (LFG’22), University of Groningen, July 12-14.

Important files in the directory
This is the LFG grammar to be run by XLE. A html version is also included for displaying the content using a web browser.

This testsuite contains the essential sentences to be parsed by the LFG grammar. A html version is also included for displaying the content using a web browser.
Date made availableApr 2022
PublisherUniversity of Manchester


  • Chinese
  • LFG
  • XLE

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