Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

  • David Bailey (Creator)
  • The ZEUS Collaboration (Contributor)



    DESY-HERA. Measurement of the cross sections at a centre of mass energy 318 GeV for DIS events in E+- P collisions with at least on hard jet in the Breit frame plus a muon. The data were taken during the 1999 to 2000 running period with electrons/positrons of energy 27.5 GeV and protons of energy 920 GeV for photon virtualities, Q**2, & gt; 2 GeV. The total integrated luminosity was 72.4 pb-1. Muons were detected in either the inner or outer parts of the BMUON or RMUON chambers. In the BMUON(RMUON) regions, the muon pseudorapidity was required to be between -0.9 and 1.3(-1.6 and -0.9) with the muon transverse momentum & gt; 2 GeV for the BMUON data and the muon momentum & gt; 2 GeV for the RMUON data. Jets were reconstructed in the Breit frame requiring at least one jet with ET above 6 GeV in the Breit frame and pseudorapidity in the lab frame from between -2 and 2.5. Muon-jet association (not necessarily the aforementioned jet) required the associated jet to have ET & gt; 4 GeV in the Breit frame.
    Date made available2004
    • Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

      Bailey, D., Chekanov, S., Derrick, M., Loizides, J. H., Magill, S., Miglioranzi, S., Musgrave, B., Repond, J., Yoshida, R., Mattingly, M. C. K., Pavel, N., Antonioli, P., Bari, G., Basile, M., Bellagamba, L., Boscherini, D., Bruni, A., Bruni, G., Cara Romeo, G. & Cifarelli, L. & 314 others, Cindolo, F., Contin, A., Corradi, M., de Pasquale, S., Giusti, P., Iacobucci, G., Margotti, A., Montanari, A., Nania, R., Palmonari, F., Pesci, A., Rinaldi, L., Sartorelli, G., Zichichi, A., Aghuzumtsyan, G., Bartsch, D., Brock, I., Goers, S., Hartmann, H., Hilger, E., Irrgang, P., Jakob, H. P., Kind, O., Meyer, U., Paul, E., Rautenberg, J., Renner, R., Stifutkin, A., Tandler, J., Voss, K. C., Wang, M., Bailey, D. S., Brook, N. H., Cole, J. E., Heath, G. P., Namsoo, T., Robins, S., Wing, M., Capua, M., Mastroberardino, A., Schioppa, M., Susinno, G., Kim, J. Y., Lim, I. T., Ma, K. J., Pac, M. Y., Helbich, M., Ning, Y., Ren, Z., Schmidke, W. B., Sciulli, F., Chwastowski, J., Eskreys, A., Figiel, J., Galas, A., Olkiewicz, K., Stopa, P., Zawiejski, L., Adamczyk, L., Bold, T., Grabowska-Bold, I., Kisielewska, D., Kowal, A. M., Kowal, M., Łukasik, J., Przybycien, M., Suszycki, L., Szuba, D., Szuba, J., Kotanski, A., Slominski, W., Adler, V., Behrens, U., Bloch, I., Borras, K., Chiochia, V., Dannheim, D., Drews, G., Fourletova, J., Fricke, U., Geiser, A., Göttlicher, P., Gutsche, O., Haas, T., Hain, W., Hillert, S., Horn, C., Kahle, B., Kötz, U., Kowalski, H., Kramberger, G., Labes, H., Lelas, D., Lim, H., Löhr, B., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I. A., Nguyen, C. N., Notz, D., Nuncio-Quiroz, A. E., Polini, A., Raval, A., Schneekloth, U., Stösslein, U., Wolf, G., Youngman, C., Zeuner, W., Schlenstedt, S., Barbagli, G., Gallo, E., Genta, C., Pelfer, P. G., Bamberger, A., Benen, A., Karstens, F., Dobur, D., Vlasov, N. N., Bussey, P. J., Doyle, A. T., Ferrando, J., Hamilton, J., Hanlon, S., Saxon, D. H., Skillicorn, I. O., Gialas, I., Carli, T., Gosau, T., Holm, U., Krumnack, N., Lohrmann, E., Milite, M., Salehi, H., Schleper, P., Schörner-Sadenius, T., Stonjek, S., Wichmann, K., Wick, K., Ziegler, A., Collins-Tooth, C., Foudas, C., Gonçalo, R., Long, K. R., Tapper, A. D., Cloth, P., Filges, D., Kataoka, M., Nagano, K., Tokushuku, K., Yamada, S., Yamazaki, Y., Barakbaev, A. N., Boos, E. G., Pokrovskiy, N. S., Zhautykov, B. O., Son, D., de Favereau, J., Piotrzkowski, K., Barreiro, F., Glasman, C., González, O., Labarga, L., del Peso, J., Tassi, E., Terrón, J., Zambrana, M., Barbi, M., Corriveau, F., Gliga, S., Lainesse, J., Padhi, S., Stairs, D. G., Walsh, R., Tsurugai, T., Antonov, A., Danilov, P., Dolgoshein, B. A., Gladkov, D., Sosnovtsev, V., Suchkov, S., Dementiev, R. K., Ermolov, P. F., Katkov, I. I., Khein, L. A., Korzhavina, I. A., Kuzmin, V. A., Levchenko, B. B., Lukina, O. Y., Proskuryakov, A. S., Shcheglova, L. M., Zotkin, S. A., Abt, I., Büttner, C., Caldwell, A., Liu, X., Sutiak, J., Coppola, N., Grigorescu, G., Grijpink, S., Keramidas, A., Koffeman, E., Kooijman, P., Maddox, E., Pellegrino, A., Schagen, S., Tiecke, H., Vázquez, M., Wiggers, L., de Wolf, E., Brümmer, N., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L. S., Ling, T. Y., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Cottrell, A., Devenish, R. C. E., Foster, B., Grzelak, G., Gwenlan, C., Kohno, T., Patel, S., Straub, P. B., Walczak, R., Bellan, P., Bertolin, A., Brugnera, R., Carlin, R., Dal Corso, F., Dusini, S., Garfagnini, A., Limentani, S., Longhin, A., Parenti, A., Posocco, M., Stanco, L., Turcato, M., Heaphy, E. A., Metlica, F., Oh, B. Y., Whitmore, J. J., Iga, Y., D'Agostini, G., Marini, G., Nigro, A., Cormack, C., Hart, J. C., McCubbin, N. A., Heusch, C., Park, I. H., Abramowicz, H., Gabareen, A., Kananov, S., Kreisel, A., Levy, A., Kuze, M., Fusayasu, T., Kagawa, S., Tawara, T., Yamashita, T., Hamatsu, R., Hirose, T., Inuzuka, M., Kaji, H., Kitamura, S., Matsuzawa, K., Costa, M., Ferrero, M. I., Monaco, V., Sacchi, R., Solano, A., Arneodo, M., Ruspa, M., Koop, T., Martin, J. F., Mirea, A., Butterworth, J. M., Hall-Wilton, R., Jones, T. W., Lightwood, M. S., Sutton, M. R., Targett-Adams, C., Ciborowski, J., Ciesielski, R., Łuzniak, P., Nowak, R. J., Pawlak, J. M., Sztuk, J., Tymieniecka, T., Ukleja, A., Ukleja, J., Zarnecki, A. F., Adamus, M., Plucinski, P., Eisenberg, Y., Hochman, D., Karshon, U., Riveline, M., Everett, A., Gladilin, L. K., Kçira, D., Lammers, S., Li, L., Reeder, D. D., Rosin, M., Ryan, P., Savin, A. A., Smith, W. H., Dhawan, S., Bhadra, S., Catterall, C. D., Fourletov, S., Hartner, G., Menary, S., Soares, M. & Standage, J., 14 Oct 2004, In: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 599, 3-4, p. 173-189 16 p.

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