Bethani, A. (Creator), Bielski, R. (Creator), Connelly, I. (Creator), Cox, B. (Creator), Da Via, C. (Creator), Dann, N. (Creator), Forti, A. (Creator), Howarth, J. (Creator), Lack, D. (Creator), Loebinger, F. (Creator), Masik, J. (Creator), Menary, S. (Creator), Munoz Sanchez, F. (Creator), Oh, A. (Creator), Pater, J. (Creator), Peters, Y. (Creator), Pilkington, A. (Creator), Price, D. (Creator), Qin, Y. (Creator), Rawling, J. (Creator), Roberts, R. (Creator), Shaw, S. (Creator), Watts, S. (Creator), Wilk, F. (Creator), Wyatt, T. (Creator), The ATLAS Collaboration (Creator) (
2017). Measurement of the cross-section for electroweak production of dijets in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. HEPData.