Memory Devices: A Systematic Review of Device-Mediated Memory Performance Dataset



A CSV file containing the records generated from searching "Scopus", "IEEE Xplore", "ACM Digital Library", and "PsycInfo" with the search string TS = ((memor* OR recogni* OR recal*) AND (cogniti* OR metacogniti*)AND (device* OR (mobile* OR phone OR cell* OR smartphone* AND (laptop* OR computer* OR tablet* OR console*)) AND (compar* OReffect* OR review*))). For each record we provide the title, authors, URI, DOI (if available), and whether the record was included in the final sample.
Date made available9 Mar 2021
PublisherUniversity of Manchester Figshare

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Manchester Environmental Research Institute


  • systematic review
  • records
  • dataset
  • Computer-Human Interaction

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