Research data for 'The role of kinesin-1 in neuronal dense core vesicle transport, locomotion and lifespan regulation in C. elegans'



The data comprises:Original data showing dense core vesicle movement imaged in the ALA neuron in C. elegans in wildtype background (ida-1::GFP), and in kinesin-1 mutant backgrounds: unc-116(rh24sb79), klc-1(ok2609) and klc-2(km11). The original movie TIFF files and kymographs for each strain are included as zip files. The associated tracking data from KymoButler are included as excel files. This is the original data used for figures 2, 3, 4, S3, S4, S5, S6 and table 1 of the associated paper.Excel files of the original scoring data and statistical analysis of lifespan, aldicarb sensitivity and levamisole sensitivity are included, which relate to the text and figures 5c, 5d and figure 6.
Date made available1 Oct 2024
PublisherUniversity of Manchester Figshare


  • Kinesin-1
  • Dense Core Vesicle
  • neuron
  • C. elegans
  • Lifespan
  • Locomotion
  • unc-116
  • ALA neuron

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