Schistosoma mansoni infection is associated with quantitative and qualitative modifications of the mammalian intestinal microbiota

  • Timothy P. Jenkins (Creator)
  • Cinzia Cantacessi (Contributor)
  • Andrew MacDonald (Contributor)



Raw 16S rRNA sequencing data from luminal contents from sections of the small (SI) and large intestines (LI) of 10 Swiss-Webster female mice (S+) that were infected with 200 S. mansoni cercariae and 10 age- and gender-matched mice that remained uninfected and were included as controls (S-). For each S+ and S- group, five mice were euthanised 28 days after infection (D28 p.i., i.e. before egg laying by sexually mature S. mansoni females had commenced). The remaining mice (n = 5 for each S+ and S-) were euthanised at day 50 p.i. (D50 p.i., corresponding with ongoing egg laying by sexually mature S. mansoni females). The experiment was carried out in duplicate and samples from both experiments (i.e. Exp. 1 & Exp. 2) pooled for further analysis.

The data set includes four types of files:

1. Raw joined read files - 1 per sample (demultiplexed): e.g. Exp1_SI_S-_D50_1.fasta

2. Joined, quality filtered file containing reads from all samples and ready for OTU picking. The file was generated using Qiime: seqs.fna

3. Metadata file containing the relevant contextual information for each sample: Schisto_microbiome_Metadata.csv

4. OTU table created using Qiime including all of the taxonomic information: otu_table_mc2_w_tax_no_pynast_failures.biom
Date made available23 Oct 2019
PublisherMendeley Data


  • Microbiome
  • Mouse
  • Schistosoma
  • Schistosomiasis

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