Balli, F. (Creator), Barnes, S. (Creator), Cox, B. (Creator), Da Via, C. (Creator), Forti, A. (Creator), Iturbe Ponce, J. (Creator), Joshi, K. (Creator), Klinger, J. (Creator), Loebinger, F. (Creator), Marsden, S. (Creator), Masik, J. (Creator), Neep, T. (Creator), Oh, A. (Creator), Owen, M. (Creator), Pater, J. (Creator), Peters, Y. (Creator), Price, D. (Creator), Qin, Y. (Creator), Queitsch-Maitland, M. (Creator), Robinson, J. (Creator), Schwanenberger, C. (Creator), Thompson, R. (Creator), Tomlinson, L. (Creator), Watts, S. (Creator), Webb, S. (Creator), Woudstra, M. (Creator), Wyatt, T. (Creator), The ATLAS Collaboration (Creator) (
2015). Search for new phenomena in events with a photon and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. HEPData.