nc13_expression_domain.ims: Imaging of scFv-mNG-NLS;HisRFP x hbP2>Suntag-hb embryo in nc13 at expression domain level, in Imaris format. channels - 1: scFv-mNG-NLS, 2:HisRFP. Microscopy settings as described in Vinter et al, Star Protocols 2021.
individual_translation_sites.ims: Imaging of scFv-mNG-NLS; MCP-mRuby3-CAAX x hbP2>Suntag-hb embryo, in Imaris format. channels - 1:scFv-mNG-NLS, 2:MCP-mRuby3-CAAX. Microscopy settings as described in Vinter et al, Star Protocols 2021.