Supplementary Data for PhD Thesis: Myeloid cell ageing and wound healing: analysing ageing-related changes to myeloid cells and their impact on cutaneous wound healing



Single-cell RNA sequencing was peformed in young and mouse skin and Day 3 wounds to characterise the effects of ageing on healing progression. Differential expression gene lists for all cell populations charaterised in the thesis: Myeloid cell ageing and wound healing: analysing ageing-related changes to myeloid cells and their impact on cutaneous wound healing are included in this metadata
Date made available14 Dec 2022
PublisherUniversity of Manchester Figshare


  • Single-cell RNA-Seq analysis
  • wound healing microenvironment
  • ageing pathways
  • macrophages
  • Skin Ageing
  • single-cell RNA-Seq analysis
  • skin ageing

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