TriTan: An efficient triple non-negative matrix factorisation method for integrative analysis of single-cell multiomics data

  • Xin Ma (Creator)



-Three multiple publicly available single-cell multi-modal (two modalities - RNA and ATAC) datasets of varying sizes to comprehensively benchmark TriTan against other methods and leverage the output from TriTan for extensive downstream analyses.

-PBMC-10K: Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 10X Multiome from( . pbmc10k.h5mu : .h5mu data with two modalities; PBMC-10K-celltype.txt: ground truth cell type labels.

-Bone marrow mononuclear cells (NeurIPS 2021 ) of 10X Multiome from GSE194122. contains prepocessed .h5mu data as well as ground truth.

-Mouse skin cells using SHARE-seq protocol from GSM4156597. The .zip data contains prepocessed and unprepossed scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data.; GSM4156597_skin_celltype.txt:ground truth cell type labels.
Date made available5 Jun 2023
PublisherUniversity of Manchester Figshare


  • Single cell multi-omics

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