Turbulent Large Eddy Simulation Flow Fields



Files containing the time varying velocity across the width of a channel, created from two Large Eddy Simulations. Upstream files correspond to a plane extracted 20 m before a tidal device, downstream corresponds to a plane 200 m downstream of a tidal device. Exact locations of each grid point across the plane are found in ZY_Coordinates. These data files define two of the onset flow fields used in work conducted as part of the Interreg TIGER project, and reported in the journal paper titled 'Efficient prediction of tidal turbine fatigue loading using turbulent onset flow from Large Eddy Simulations'. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40722-024-00328-y [doi.org]
Date made available9 Jul 2024
PublisherUniversity of Manchester Figshare


  • turbulence
  • large eddy simulations
  • tidal turbine
  • wake

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