Twitter Daily Tracking File 2015 British Election Study



Abstract: The file contains daily mentions in Twitter posts of key election issues and terms over the course of the campaign within the UK for the campaign period. Daily data collection was conducted by Crimson Hexagon using the Twitter ‘Firehose’ i.e. the universe of Tweets published during this time period. Tweets were captured between 12.00 A.M. GMT 30.03.15 Ended 11.59 P.M. GMT 07.05.15. Filters were applied to capture tweets originating from the UK (using geo-tagging and other non geo-tagging methods). This resulted in 359,395,390 English language individual posts being captured which average of 9,215,266 Tweets per day. A range of key word searches were conducted using two data dictionaries - one for most important issues and one for election specific terms. After applying the search terms 32,578,454 Tweets fell within our analysis parameters i.e. mentioned one of our key terms of interest and our reports were compiled on a daily average of 835,345 Tweets.

Date of data production: 2015-05-08
Date made available10 Jun 2016
PublisherUniversity of Manchester

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Cathie Marsh Institute


  • Twitter
  • UK 2015 Election
  • Campaign
  • Social Media

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