The 2.5-MV Pelletron (model 7.5SH-2 from NEC) is a source of high current (100 μA) proton or helium ion beams, and other noble gas ion beams e.g. krypton and xenon. It shares its two end-stations with two from the larger accelerator:
- Line 5/A: Single or dual beam radiation damage, using either in-house sample stages, or users own special stage
- Line 6/B: Single or dual beam radiation damage with built in Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) analysis.
A bespoke fluid recirculation loop that operates at high temperature and pressure can be coupled to an end station, allowing for extreme conditions relevant to nuclear reactor coolant to be probed.
- Line 5/A: Single or dual beam radiation damage, using either in-house sample stages, or users own special stage
- Line 6/B: Single or dual beam radiation damage with built in Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) analysis.
A bespoke fluid recirculation loop that operates at high temperature and pressure can be coupled to an end station, allowing for extreme conditions relevant to nuclear reactor coolant to be probed.
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