Application of environmentally friendly and fire-safe transformer liquids

    Impact: Economic, Environmental, Policy


    Research on ester liquids (ELs) has proved they can be used in high-voltage (HV) transformers, bringing economic and safety advantages to the power industry and environmental benefits to society. Impact includes revisions to National Grid’s oil policy recommending ester-filled HV transformers for use in London and the design and operation of the first 132kV “green” transformer (valued between £1m and £2m). The research has led directly to the creation of two international standards for professionals in global power utilities specifying the use of ELs in transformers. These developments have contributed directly to Manchester SME M&I Materials increasing sales from £15m (2008) to £29m (2012).
    Category of impactEconomic, Environmental, Policy
    Impact levelBenefit

    Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

    • Energy
    • Advanced materials
    • Sustainable Futures