Evaluating the impact of GM Diabetes My Way: a free digital intervention to help people across Greater Manchester manage their diabetes and improve their quality of life.

Impact: Health and wellbeing


This grant involving digital interventions supporting self-care will transform the way that type 2 diabetes is managed across Greater Manchester and potentially across the NHS in England. With my expertise in CVD/diabetes research, I was invited to join a group developing a GM diabetes strategy in 2016. I advised on CVD prevention and digital interventions improving self-management. I promoted the idea of providing all patients with diabetes across GM (n=160,000) with access to their electronic healthcare record and to high quality information about diabetes through an IT system: My Diabetes My Way. In 2018, I had a leading role in writing a successful NHS England bid (worth ~£1.2M) to deliver My Diabetes My Way and several other digital self-management interventions to patients with diabetes across GM (see grants). If we show that digital interventions work at scale across GM (including in ethnic minority groups and socially deprived individuals) then the NHS could justify extending the system across the whole NHS. My role: I suggested bringing these digital interventions to GM; I am CI for the £1M grant had a major and leading roles in study design, grant writing and PI for the study evaluation (PI; worth £292K to UoM); I had a lead role at interview in London.
Impact date2016
Category of impactHealth and wellbeing
Impact levelUndefined

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Digital Futures
  • Christabel Pankhurst Institute